Storied Balls

Last year, Doctor Eccentric suffered grievous damage to the plasma balls due to an unfortunate encounter with a revolving door. Click to commemorate the tragedy.
Last year, Doctor Eccentric suffered grievous damage to the plasma balls due to an unfortunate encounter with a revolving door. In commemoration of this terrible event, I wrote a ballad. Sung to the Gilligan's Island Theme Song.
Let's pause right now
and and we'll tell a tale
a tale of vile Hyatt's door
That crushed on Mike
his man-ly bits
now scattered 'cross the floor
now scattered 'cross the floor
The balls had a
plasma fusion core
A weapon bright as stars
Six super villains
set out that day
For a three round tour,
a three round tour.
The timing started
getting tight
No time for lunch they thought
They took a shortcut
in Hyatt's lair
Mike's big balls soon were caught,
Mike's big balls soon were caught.
The balls cracked round
in the turn of that
old whirling vortex door
Bright actinide!
Some screaming, too
The explosion of his life,
The crunching sound
The depression and horror struck
Wo to Mike's once storied balls.